This sight came to me at my prayer garden two days ago! I love how my Heavenly Father surprises me!


Awesome rock found by the arkansas river two weeks ago! Had fun hiking there! Had great weather for it!


Today another soul entered the kingdom of God! Pray for my new friend, Bartoli! He just received the greatest gift of all... Salvation! (Along with a heart-shaped rock and a promise scripture book) ... Giving God glory for this opportunity today! Life is good!


Two days ago I was led by the Holy Spirit to give my little treasures away along with the gospel! A beautiful Jehovah's Witness couple! Myessage was simple and to the point! "God loves you and you are worth the blood of Jesus".... "God wants all to be saved!"

May this couple find truth behind the message and may those heart shaped seeds produce a harvest of truth and light in their lives! Amen!


Gave away 12 heart-shaped rocks today!!

One special one went to a special person who is being healed of Cancer!! Another went to a person being healed for allergies! Praise God for all those divine opportunities!


Look what I just found a few minutes ago at my favorite park that I run at!! Praise Him for His signs and wonders!!! He truly loves us and can't stop showing us His Love!!!


Was at a party the other day and gave two heart-shaped rocks to two ladies who didn't speak my language. Later, their husband/son came and asked me to tell them again so he could translate for me. I did and then they told me they were muslem by faith and the man turned to me and said: "We all serve the same God." I didn't answer that statement and just smiled and said my goodbye. Later, I puzzled as to what I SHOULD have said.... This is what the Holy Spirit showed me to say if that statement ever comes back again.... I will say this: "I don't (serve) the same God, because I choose to have a relationship with him. I am His daughter and He is my Heaveny Father, I love Him and He loves me! We talk daily. I choose to serve man out of freedom and love! That is who I serve!"


This is the biggest heart-shaped rock I have now in my personal collection! It weighed about 25 lbs! It's resting now in my flower bed! Glory to God and His unfailing love that is so evident here in my life!! And now... To your life as I share this with you! Won't you surrender and let Him love you? He patiently waits for you to let Him in! GO FOR IT!!!