Found 21 heart-shaped rocks today!!!!!!
Of course, it helped that we went on a hiking trip to Cedar Ridge with the Cub Scouts!!! I gave away 9 so far and it is only 4:31pm.... I may just break my record!!!
Yea!!!!!!! Gave four more away! It is now 7:52pm!! PTL!
Despite a trialsome day....9 heart-shaped rocks were given away along with the message of God's unfailing love! To Him be all the glory!!!!!
Three of these and four more...(7) were given/dedicated to my dear friend who just lost her beloved dog today.... Hugs/kisses, prayers and love to my friend...
Today... Found 9 heart-shaped rocks and gave four away already! It is 1:51pm and looking forward to seeing how far this will go!!!!!!
Yep.... It is now 10:22 pm and... I broke the record!!! I have away 8 heart-shaped rocks!!!
A heart shaped opening in the clouds appeared!!!:):):)