Prayer For A Backslider Needed!!
Yesterday, I gave out one special heart-shaped rock to a man who claimed to "no longer believe in God". I asked him why would he turn his back on such a loving Father who gave his son to die for him and he really had no straight answer... I told him that time is running out and pled with him to reconsider his faith... You see, he was putting his precious baby into his truck as we talked... I told him that there is a horrible place in hell for those who once believed and then turn their back on God! I tried to coerce him to reconsider his place not for his own soul, but for his daughter as well! I said: "Let's pray for salvation right now because God sent me to you today and now is the time for salvation." He graciously refused. I walked away with tears streaming down my cheeks and feeling the sadness of the Holy Spirit in me... I don't even know his name but God does! Join me in intercession for this lost man who is so precious to the kingdom of God! Thanks!