Wow! A mushroom and an opening in the trees! BTY... I met my 3 rock quota to boot! Lol! I love this life I'm living!
This was taken almost a week ago... Here in my neighborhood! I believe this is a sign and a wonder. God is watching over us and protecting us!
Just found this!!!!! So excited to see who gets this beauty!
Ok.... I have a friend who is now finding her own heart-shaped rocks! And believe it or not.... She struggles with her faith in God even to the point of having atheistic thoughts! Now God is reveling Himself to her and showing His divine love or her! This rock is the third one she has told me she has found! Go God! Sick her! U rock! (Literally! Lol!)
Yesterday, I gave out my heart-shaped rocks and guess what? The third rock found it's way to a lovely Jewish lady. I gave her my usual speech and she almost refused thinking I was asking for money inexchange! I told her this was a gift and that God loves her! We talked briefly and I told her how much I love the Jewish people and how I support Sid Roth and his ministry. I encouraged her to look him up.. Then... As a good bye, she said: "God Bless You" to me! Wow! Those words literally penetrated my inner soul and I felt heaven's anointing pour all over me! I'm still emotionally high from this experience! Just to think..... There at a grocery store parking lot... I received one of the greatest blessings ... A Jewish one. :)