Found these beauties today! Still have so many to give away. Watch out devil! Here I come!


Just yesterday at the grocery store parking lot... I gave a heart-shaped rock away to a lady and as I was waiting for my daughter in the van... I saw that same lady give it to a Spanish speaking man! It touched my heart so much that I ran over to him and shared the gospel in Spanish because he had a confused look on his face..not knowing what he just received! When I spoke in his language.. His face lit up and we both praised God together because he was a fellow believer!!! I tell you... This ministry ROCKS!!!


Today another soul has accepted Jesus as savior through the Heart-shaped Rock Ministry!! Let's party and ROCK ON!!!!


My friend from FB put this on his post and I could NOT resist!! Enjoy the UNDENIABLE display of God's love today expressed in this nature pic!!! ISN'T HE FREEKING AWESOME????!!!

(Friend's name is Mark Pothier)