More heart-shaped clouds! God truely loves you!!!! He is constantly reaching out to us in signs and wonders if only we just keep ourselves open and receptive!!!


Sure glad I got up this morning! The new 5:30am schedule transition has been hard but.... The reward speaks for itself!!!! Rainbows are God's way of hugging us on the earth!!!


Wow!!! Look at this!!! AMAZING SIGHT!!!

I believe that angels DO exist!... because angels are spiritual beings... They can be seen with our spiritual eyes and sometimes... They leave energy prints behind on the clouds in our earthly atmosphere! I merely took this photograph and made the color sharper and flipped it up cause this one was sideways like it was lying down above the tree-line!! Praise God for His Wonders in the heavens above!!!


Saw this after my prayer time this morning! Thank you God for yet another sign and wonder!!!


Found these beauties today! Still have so many to give away. Watch out devil! Here I come!


Just yesterday at the grocery store parking lot... I gave a heart-shaped rock away to a lady and as I was waiting for my daughter in the van... I saw that same lady give it to a Spanish speaking man! It touched my heart so much that I ran over to him and shared the gospel in Spanish because he had a confused look on his face..not knowing what he just received! When I spoke in his language.. His face lit up and we both praised God together because he was a fellow believer!!! I tell you... This ministry ROCKS!!!


Today another soul has accepted Jesus as savior through the Heart-shaped Rock Ministry!! Let's party and ROCK ON!!!!


My friend from FB put this on his post and I could NOT resist!! Enjoy the UNDENIABLE display of God's love today expressed in this nature pic!!! ISN'T HE FREEKING AWESOME????!!!

(Friend's name is Mark Pothier)

Wow! A mushroom and an opening in the trees! BTY... I met my 3 rock quota to boot! Lol! I love this life I'm living!
This was taken almost a week ago... Here in my neighborhood! I believe this is a sign and a wonder. God is watching over us and protecting us!