Just found this!!!!! So excited to see who gets this beauty!
Ok.... I have a friend who is now finding her own heart-shaped rocks! And believe it or not.... She struggles with her faith in God even to the point of having atheistic thoughts! Now God is reveling Himself to her and showing His divine love or her! This rock is the third one she has told me she has found! Go God! Sick her! U rock! (Literally! Lol!)
Yesterday, I gave out my heart-shaped rocks and guess what? The third rock found it's way to a lovely Jewish lady. I gave her my usual speech and she almost refused thinking I was asking for money inexchange! I told her this was a gift and that God loves her! We talked briefly and I told her how much I love the Jewish people and how I support Sid Roth and his ministry. I encouraged her to look him up.. Then... As a good bye, she said: "God Bless You" to me! Wow! Those words literally penetrated my inner soul and I felt heaven's anointing pour all over me! I'm still emotionally high from this experience! Just to think..... There at a grocery store parking lot... I received one of the greatest blessings ... A Jewish one. :)
Still going strong with finding and giving away heart-shaped rocks! I'm noticing lately that I am getting hugs after some people receive them. They get so excited and greatful.... This is one blessing that I have been loving lately! I admit.... When giving to Spanish speaking only people... My language is lagging! I do have a card with the message and I plan on memorizing it so I can reach Spanish people! Nothing is more exciting than reaching all people groups! Love and hugs from me and above!!!!
Yesterday... I found this awesome rock! It was heart shaped and on one side it had a conglomerate of smaller rocks of differing colors. On the other side it was smooth and white! God had me give it to a young man as he was on his way to school. I said enthusiastically; "This is a special rock because on one side is shows what our hearts look like when we r lost.. The junk that gets in our heart crowds out the love that God wants there! Junk like sin, hurt, unforgiveness, addiction, and fear! The other side shows what it is like to have our life in Jesus totally surrendered.... Clean, pure, and full of life!" Lol! How wonderful and creative my God is o help me find that special rock with that special message!
Prayer For A Backslider Needed!!
Yesterday, I gave out one special heart-shaped rock to a man who claimed to "no longer believe in God". I asked him why would he turn his back on such a loving Father who gave his son to die for him and he really had no straight answer... I told him that time is running out and pled with him to reconsider his faith... You see, he was putting his precious baby into his truck as we talked... I told him that there is a horrible place in hell for those who once believed and then turn their back on God! I tried to coerce him to reconsider his place not for his own soul, but for his daughter as well! I said: "Let's pray for salvation right now because God sent me to you today and now is the time for salvation." He graciously refused. I walked away with tears streaming down my cheeks and feeling the sadness of the Holy Spirit in me... I don't even know his name but God does! Join me in intercession for this lost man who is so precious to the kingdom of God! Thanks!
Look at these treasures! Found them on the hike we took today in Lewisville!:)
Found 21 heart-shaped rocks today!!!!!!
Of course, it helped that we went on a hiking trip to Cedar Ridge with the Cub Scouts!!! I gave away 9 so far and it is only 4:31pm.... I may just break my record!!!
Yea!!!!!!! Gave four more away! It is now 7:52pm!! PTL!
Despite a trialsome day....9 heart-shaped rocks were given away along with the message of God's unfailing love! To Him be all the glory!!!!!
Three of these and four more...(7) were given/dedicated to my dear friend who just lost her beloved dog today.... Hugs/kisses, prayers and love to my friend...