Funny thing happened this morning as I was preparing for the day.... I was about I take my usual showr and the most unusual burst of energy came over me and I had a "Forest Gump" moment... Where..."I just felt like running"... Well, I got on my running gear and did just that! It felt so good. Then the precious Holy Spirit showed me there was another runner on the track and He prompted me to witness to this person... No heart-shaped rock... I prayed for God to provide and I didn't even finish an stooped down and there was the cutest heart rock there in front of me! The target was on the go and so I took off to the chase. Here is what I said when I got there:

"I have a special gift for you! Love is chasing you down today! God, the creator loves you and you are worth the blood of Jesus!" This person then said, I'm a Buddhist. I said, " doesn't matter... He loves you so much and He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to free you from man made religion! Keep your eyes open and I hope you find your way."

I give Him glory for the message and for the miraculous provision of a heart-shaped rock! It is such a thrill to serve my wonderful savior and be a part of His kingdom!

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